The skin - our largest sensory organ - protects your body every day. Sometimes it is put under a lot of strain and is exposed to external stressors. In order to guarantee you reliable care, we work closely with experts right from the start. With their help, we would like to explain to you the effects and functions of our individual ingredients.
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The rich composition of the Stick+ makes it ideal for caring for your skin.
In addition to the main ingredient, sodium chloride, it also contains other important minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. We only use high-quality, natural sea salt in the manufacture of our products.

The salt removes old skin cells and can bind moisture to the skin. In addition to its nourishing properties, it has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. This makes salt suitable for irritated skin conditions such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis and acne.
We have adjusted the salt concentration to suit your skin's moisture needs. The development of the Sticks+ was professionally supervised by a experienced pharmacist.

Although essential oils are referred to as such, it should first be made clear that they are not oils, but tiny droplets of a plant. This precious liquid is the main ingredient in aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy and aroma care have holistic and salutogenic effects. Holistic means that the oils have beneficial effects on the body, mind and soul. Salutogenesis is the strengthening of the body's own self-healing powers.
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Skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, eczema or stressed skin, colds and stress are among the domains in which essential oils are used.
Depending on the type of oil, different effects can be achieved. When selecting our oils, we consulted with Dr. W. Steflitsch, lung specialist and vice president of the Austrian Society for Scientific Aromatherapy and Aroma Care. Together, we have included high-quality, organically certified oils in our range, which can have a particularly positive effect on problematic and irritated skin conditions.
"The diverse ingredients of high-quality essential oils can fully develop their holistic health-promoting effects on the basis of natural salt. In the aromatically enriched aerosol mist of the shower, all the beneficial effects on the skin, in the respiratory tract and through the smell come together gently and simply congenially."

After developing and manufacturing our products with continuous improvement, we wanted to confirm the benefits of salt application as a supportive treatment for skin problems.

In an indicative product evaluation study by the Institute for Experimental Psychophysiology (IXP) GmbH in Düsseldorf, the improvement in skin appearance and well-being in atopic dermatitis was investigated through the use of shower+ products.
Test subjects tested our products over a longer period of time. The participants in the study suffered from acute atopic dermatitis and used the salt shower over a longer period of time. For comparison, a control group followed their usual shower routine without using our products. After each shower, the participants assessed the severity of their symptoms and their physical well-being and documented changes in their symptoms.
The results of the measurements consistently showed an improvement.
Participant:in IXP study (anonymous)
Long-lasting positive effect!
"The skin felt noticeably softer and cared for while showering and the effect always lasted for several hours afterwards. I was also able to notice a long-lasting positive effect on the skin areas affected by neurodermatitis. My symptoms, which manifested themselves in redness and dryness of the skin, were significantly alleviated by the applications and contributed to an increased physical well-being."
Participant:in IXP study (anonymous)
Recommended for anyone with skin problems!
"The salt shower is very pleasant on the skin and leaves you feeling relaxed even after showering. [...] The redness and itching have gone down. Overall, I was very happy with the product. I was impressed not only by its calming effect on the skin, but also by how easy it is to use, which is why I would recommend it to anyone who is struggling with skin problems and wants a straightforward skin care routine."
Statement from an IXP employee who also tested the application with his wife
Irritated scalp noticeably soothed!
"After the first few applications, we noticed a positive effect on skin and hair. The skin feels relaxed, clearer and softer and the hair looks healthier and fuller. I have a rather dry, irritated and slightly flaky scalp, which has calmed down considerably after several uses of the salt shower."